Management Team

Home Team Member



Mr. Sudheer Kasturi, a 19-year veteran in media and technology, is a Digital Realtor and Marketing Operations virtuoso.His wealth of knowledge and dedication propels our business to new heights through innovative strategies.

For the past 7 years, he immersed himself in the world of digital marketing, harnessing his exceptional knowledge to skillfully create strategic business plans that drive our marketing operations. He meticulously manages online marketing campaigns, guiding them from inception to the execution of advertising trends to enhance the company’s brand and foster business growth.

But Mr. Sudheer is more than just a strategist; he’s a relationship maestro. He nurtures strong, fruitful connections with clients, fostering open lines of communication. Collaborating seamlessly with the team, he ensures the flawless execution of our business endeavors.He is also a talent scout and actively recruits Channel Partners and business associates, updating them on the latest marketing trends and cutting-edge technologies and supercharging them for long-term success and bolster profits.

Mr. Sudheer is a motivating leader who inspires his team to achieve peak performance, aligning with the company’s goals. His proactive approach ensures smooth daily operations, contributing greatly to our overall success.
